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Enroll in this Master's Degree in Human Resource Management and Development and obtain a certification issued by Antonio de Nebrija University

Duración - Créditos
Duración - Créditos
1500 horas - 60 ECTS
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Nuestros alumnos opinan sobre: Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development + 60 ECTS Credits

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Yerai Sánchez


Opinión sobre Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development + 60 ECTS Credits


* Todas las opiniones sobre Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development + 60 ECTS Credits, aquí recopiladas, han sido rellenadas de forma voluntaria por nuestros alumnos, a través de un formulario que se adjunta a todos ellos, junto a los materiales, o al finalizar su curso en nuestro campus Online, en el que se les invita a dejarnos sus impresiones acerca de la formación cursada.

Plan de estudios de Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development

MASTER´S DEGREE IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. Complete this online Master's program and study remotely while balancing your work and personal life. Give your career the boost it deserves and don't miss out on this opportunity to pursue what you've always dreamed of. We're waiting for you!

Resumen salidas profesionales
de Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development
In an increasingly globalized society, where innovation and the ability to adapt to change are the main objectives, boosting human resources and talent is key to the success of the organization. Human resources management is a key factor in developing talent, creativity and the competencies of workers, as well as in moving performing efficiently in a globalized market dominated by digitalization. With this Master´s Degree in Human Resources Management and Development, you will obtain the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to carry out an optimized management of the group of people that make up organizations, taking into account their needs and particularities.
de Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development
- To become aware of the vital importance that people have acquired in recent years as a differentiating element of the organization. - To delve into how to assess, value, attract, and manage the talent of people within the organization. - To analyze and use the programs created for labor communications with public entities. - To study new trends in team leadership and group dynamics to increase work efficiency. - To know how to detect the competency needs to achieve the organization's objectives. - To carry out a recruitment and selection process based on new techniques.
Salidas profesionales
de Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development
The area of human resources is, one of the branches with the most job opportunities and, after completing the Master´s Degree in Human Resources Management and Development, you will be able to work in any organization that needs professionals to occupy positions of Director and senior technician of human resources, Research in human resources, or Change management in organizations.
Para qué te prepara
el Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development
After completing the Master´s Degree in Human Resources Management and Development, you will become a specialist in leading the functions of the human resources department with an innovative global vision. You will be prepared to address the transformation of a company, achieve competitive progress, and improve the well-being of workers, carrying out tasks of selection recruiting and development of people both in private and public companies.
A quién va dirigido
el Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development
This Master´s Degree in Human Resources Management and Development is especially aimed at professionals in the field of human resources, law, and business administration, interested in steering their professional career towards the development of talent and human capital in their organization.
de Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development
Metodología Curso Euroinnova
Carácter oficial
de la formación
La presente formación no está incluida dentro del ámbito de la formación oficial reglada (Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Formación Profesional Oficial FP, Bachillerato, Grado Universitario, Master Oficial Universitario y Doctorado). Se trata por tanto de una formación complementaria y/o de especialización, dirigida a la adquisición de determinadas competencias, habilidades o aptitudes de índole profesional, pudiendo ser baremable como mérito en bolsas de trabajo y/o concursos oposición, siempre dentro del apartado de Formación Complementaria y/o Formación Continua siendo siempre imprescindible la revisión de los requisitos específicos de baremación de las bolsa de trabajo público en concreto a la que deseemos presentarnos.

Temario de Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development

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Titulación de Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development

Masters Degree Human Resource Management Development
Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development (60 ECTS credits) by Antonio de Nebrija University

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7 razones para realizar el Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development

Nuestra experiencia

Más de 20 años de experiencia en la formación online.

Más de 300.000 alumnos ya se han formado en nuestras aulas virtuales.

Alumnos de los 5 continentes.

25% de alumnado internacional.

Las cifras nos avalan
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Nuestra Metodología


Aprendizaje 100% online, flexible, desde donde quieras y como quieras


Equipo docente especializado. Docentes en activo, digitalmente nativos


No estarás solo/a. Acompañamiento por parte del equipo de tutorización durante toda tu experiencia como estudiante.

Aprendizaje real

Aprendizaje para la vida real, contenidos prácticos, adaptados al mercado laboral y entornos de aprendizaje ágiles en campus virtual con tecnología punta


Seminarios en directo. Clases magistrales exclusivas para los estudiantes

Calidad AENOR

Se llevan a cabo auditorías externas anuales que garantizan la máxima calidad AENOR.

Nuestros procesos de enseñanza están certificados por AENOR por la ISO 9001 y 14001.

Certificación de calidad

Contamos con el sello de Confianza Online y colaboramos con las Universidades más prestigiosas, Administraciones Públicas y Empresas Software a nivel Nacional e Internacional.

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Empleo y prácticas

Disponemos de Bolsa de Empleo propia con diferentes ofertas de trabajo, y facilitamos la realización de prácticas de empresa a nuestro alumnado.

Nuestro Equipo

En la actualidad, Euroinnova cuenta con un equipo humano formado por más de 300 profesionales. Nuestro personal se encuentra sólidamente enmarcado en una estructura que facilita la mayor calidad en la atención al alumnado.

Somos distribuidores de formación

Como parte de su infraestructura y como muestra de su constante expansión, Euroinnova incluye dentro de su organización una editorial y una imprenta digital industrial.

Paga como quieras

Financiación 100% sin intereses

Hemos diseñado un Plan de Becas para facilitar aún más el acceso a nuestra formación junto con una flexibilidad económica. Alcanzar tus objetivos profesionales e impulsar tu carrera profesional será más fácil gracias a los planes de Euroinnova.

Si aún tienes dudas solicita ahora información para beneficiarte de nuestras becas y financiación.

Antiguos Alumnos

Como premio a la fidelidad y confianza de los alumnos en el método EUROINNOVA, ofrecemos una beca del 25% a todos aquellos que hayan cursado alguna de nuestras acciones formativas en el pasado.

Beca Desempleo

Para los que atraviesan un periodo de inactividad laboral y decidan que es el momento idóneo para invertir en la mejora de sus posibilidades futuras.

Beca Emprende

Una beca en consonancia con nuestra apuesta por el fomento del emprendimiento y capacitación de los profesionales que se hayan aventurado en su propia iniciativa empresarial.

Beca Amigo

La beca amigo surge como agradecimiento a todos aquellos alumnos que nos recomiendan a amigos y familiares. Por tanto si vienes con un amigo o familiar podrás contar con una beca de 15%.

* Becas aplicables sólamente tras la recepción de la documentación necesaria en el Departamento de Asesoramiento Académico. Más información en el 900 831 200 o vía email en

* Becas no acumulables entre sí

* Becas aplicables a acciones formativas publicadas en

Información complementaria

Master´s Degree in Human Resource Management and Development

Would you like to delve into the business sector? Would you like to take on the role of corporate human resources? Would you like to get much closer to the sector and be responsible for conducting group dynamics to increase efficiency? Do you want to gain a much more global view of the sector? Can't you travel to undergo this training? If so, Euroinnova offers you this Master's Degree in Human Resource Management and Development, so you can prepare at your own pace and from anywhere.

Would you like to further specialize in this area? Explore the wide range of master's degrees, courses, and postgraduate programs we offer


Still not sure? We invite you to keep reading

If there's one thing we're sure about, it's that most companies need human resources for their proper functioning, which means managing the entire evolution and development of the company in one way or another.

Therefore, having a human resources department is one of the crucial activities for the entity. From it, everything related to personnel is managed, which helps improve and keep employees motivated. Through it, efforts can be made to improve the talent within the organization, in addition to providing all the necessary training to carry out the development of each employee, as well as achieving the corresponding objectives.

What will you learn with this Master's Degree in Human Resource Management and Development?

Thanks to the training we offer you at Euroinnova, we want you to be prepared in the field and able to acquire all the necessary skills and competencies so that you can carry out all tasks related to the sector, among which we can highlight:

On the one hand, carrying out all the organization and planning of people, regarding job positions, as well as identifying the personnel for each of them.

On the other hand, we're talking about the administration of personnel itself, for which it's essential to try to carry out all activities related to employment contracts, payrolls, and everything related to social security.

Human resources are the engine that drives an organization to success. Their function goes beyond hiring and managing personnel, encompassing fundamental aspects such as professional development, talent retention, and creating a favorable work environment.

In an increasingly competitive business world, human resources play a crucial role in a company's strategy and growth. They are responsible for ensuring that the right people occupy the right positions, thus fostering a productive and motivating work environment.

Additionally, professionals are responsible for promoting organizational culture, ensuring that the company's values and objectives are shared by all team members. Their work contributes to strengthening the sense of belonging and commitment among employees.

In summary, human resources are not only the heart of an organization but also its main asset. Their effective management is essential to drive business growth and ensure the well-being of both the company and its collaborators.

Still not sure? We invite you to keep reading.

Contact us through our website or, if you prefer, call us and get informed! We will be happy to answer and resolve all your doubts.

Take advantage of online training with Euroinnova International Online Education!

Thanks to its 100% online format, you will be able to balance work with studies. Now you have the opportunity to train at your own pace and from anywhere.

Our methodology is based on distance learning, from wherever you want. Thanks to our own platform, you will have all the necessary exercises to progress in your training. You will also have a personalized tutor. They will answer all your doubts, questions, and suggestions within 24 to 48 hours, so you won't lose study time.

Additionally, thanks to this format, we promote student autonomy and allow you to develop your own activity plan. We also avoid the need for you to travel to any training center.

Would you like to continue specializing with us? We invite you to delve into our website and request all the necessary information.

We look forward to welcoming you at Euroinnova!


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